Today morning 4am, im awake by pain.. Period pain is already enough for killing me,but at the same time, im accompanied by headache and nausea. I try to stand the pain and force myself back to sleep so that i'll feel better. God knows, the pain drag me awake the whole nite, at last i vomited acidic liquid as a bad feeling tells me my gastric will be coming to visit me.
1 hour later, i couldnt stand it anymore, especially my head. I went and knock on my dad's door and brought him out from his dreams, i tell him my pain and demanded to visit a doctor. He then scold me, but from that, i can feel his care. It reminds me my boyfriend, he'll scold me, because he cares. i guess everyone heard that , scold = care .
At that time, i could not even stand, so i laid on the sofa , dad make me a medicine and bring it to me, watch me finish my med. He then tell me, after one hour, if my pain doesn't goes away, he will only bring me to a doctor. After saying this, he went in room and rest. I really don't have energy to walk back to room, and the pain doesn't allow me to move at all. As the day was dawning, my pain start to reduce and i finally get into sleep.
Don't know what time, dad come and ask me how's my pain, he brought my blanket for me, sincerly, its very cold sleeping outside, but my body don't allow me back to my room. When dad bring me blanket, my heart feel so warm . Refreshing the moment, makes me wana cry.
I've two important man in my life that i'll not wanted to hurt them.
- my only dad
- my only boyfriend
I love them alot.. because no matter what they do,how they treat me, is because they care, i know im important to them. Especially my health.
Because to them, Health reflect happiness.. This is what lots of people and all teenagers always neglect of.
Im so lucky for having both of them in life,my boyfriend really taught me alots.
Thanks God for bringing them to my life.
Sunday, December 28, 2008
What i want is what i''ve got
Posted by cherrieslove at 9:28 PM 4 comments
Tuesday, December 23, 2008
To : Santa
Dear santa,
Im lina, a 18 year old girl from a small family. Im here to make a wish for my christmas .
Well, I've been kinda bad and naughty this year. There's few times i displease my mum beacause of not helping her in her housework . And I didnt done really well to be a good student , a daughter, a sister and a Girlfriend.
As what i know from my boyfriend, Im not being a good girl, and i still did not change any better after telling me my defect. There's alot of time i disappoint him and broke his fragile heart again and again. By i've done, made him felt so hopeless on me,and because of this, our relation are goin down the hill. Santa, what can i do?? If i have a magic cloth, i will wipe off all the bad stuff that happend.I'll work hard to overcome my shortcoming,especially on being a girlfriend. Im sure i'll do infinitely better than before.
Please bring all this stuff from me and the people in my life:
For my mum and dad, please bring them health and business.
For my sister, please bring her knowledge.
For my doggy, please bring them accompany.
For my Lover, please bring him peace and hapiness and take away his fret.
For his brothers , please bring them safety.
For his dear mother, please bring her tranquilizer and health.
For me, i just want me and my boyfriend relation could reform. As if could goes back to how it was when we both just started, im already very gratify. I didn't hope it to become any better, but to how it was in the begining.
That's the only thing i anxious for.
Are you curious why im not making any wish for my studies,because i know i have to work on in by myself for getting good and better result.i will strive for it.
When you're preparing gift, remember not to ablivious the wishes i've wrote in this letter..
Merry Christmas Santa ... ^ ^
Posted by cherrieslove at 7:48 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
Power of love
Being in a relationship, will helps a person to grow. Do you agree? I do not dare to say that i change and grow alot (mentally of course ). But it did really help in ways. Of course the person you be with are also one of the most important fact. My current bf , cannot deny, he is very clever, his knowledge were so wide and he never despise others.
His room were so tidy as you cannot believe a guy is the owner. I as a girl, sometimes after i woke up, i didn't fold my blanket and keep my bed. But HE DID ! EVERYDAY ! And he is the 1st and only guy i knew that will use floss.
He will also help to do housework when he is back home. His mum don't have to order him to do. But he'll do it by himself. (Guys, did/will you do it ???)
The way he treat me are so different. His care were so true and mature. My health really change alot! Especially my face. He'll keep asking me to drink water as when he is beside me. Of course that's my weekness. I admit im a person who don't drink water and i will not feel thirst. I can bring a whole full botel of water, and i can bring it back as the same when i go out. I know im very brilliant. But because of him, because of the power of water, my face has almost no pimples that even lots of medicine did not work and give such result! So drink more water !
Her Herm..back to topic, cant stop my mind to think n talk bout him.. pai seh pai seh.. Ok, Being with such a organize, hardworking, clean and clever person, do you think i will not change to be better?? even little ??
But there's three thing you must remember,
~there's no 100% perfect partner, but two 50% people ;
~you attract people by the qualities you display, you keep them by the qualities you possess ;
~when you can't change a person, change youself.
Treat your Loves one like a rose. When their torn hurt you,make you bleed, pain, never try to tear their torn, but try to handle the rose without injurt youself AND the rose.
Posted by cherrieslove at 3:53 AM 1 comments
Monday, November 10, 2008
In our whole life, we've been non-stop learing. But learning how to be a human, is not that easy. Not much people can do this , im included.
Why people must be so countful of what they've done? Is that a must to get pay back by what have we've been doing on?
CHERISH. Does anyone can tell me, who did really apply this in our life? Think twice before you answer. Did u cherish on what you have by not asking more? Did u cherish the person that you love? you parents? your family?
Career is important, but is that really prior? You've been studying hard to have a good career in future, You've been working hard to earn more money. Is that what you want? MONEY? or your FAMILY? your LOVE ONE?
There's people have been working so hard in life. They get alots of money, but they lost friendship, love and family. Do money worth for losing any of that?
You should know what you really want for. Never try to neglect anyone that cares about you.
Do not forget, Money is not prior, we've earning is to let our love ones have a better life.
Never try to say to your love one that you are trying to earn more money so that future life can be better when you didnt even treat them good while you working hard for money.
Ask them what they really want. They might not want to have lots of money to be happy. I willing to have it enough, but good relations with my husband.
Is not that hard to touch their heart by just some simple action. Try it and you'll know the difference.
Posted by cherrieslove at 7:02 AM 3 comments
Friday, September 19, 2008
My mum allow we both together le !!!
Today honey went home le..
Past 2 days, honey also overnite at my house, i also tried my best to take care of ney. Lucky today honey had no fever le..
Today ney didnt went to class, ney straight go back home.
During in class, im really very tired. I even slept before lecture comes in.
At night, i went n help mum cook dinner.
Mum ask me how's ah xiang. I told her that he's better le.
Suddenly, mum ask me , why didnt ask ah xiang go krabi together.
Im shock ! Never expect that, my mum ask me to invite ah xiang to go holiday with my family ?! Did i hear wrong ?!!
Since mum ask till like that le, so i went and tel mum that "i pak tor with ah xiang le"
Mum says, pak tor pak tor lah..she seems like knew me & xiang already together le..
Im really very happy !! To pass parents stage, actually is not that easy , but i pass it easily !! HURAAY !!
And i can see that, my mum were so happy that im with ah xiang.
Im so glad to see that.
Dunno why, i feel that me and my mum's relation were so close,
Is like we are best friend.. My mum even help me reply my msn..
Im so happy.. This is what i hope for since last time.. And now, it happened.
这一切,都是你给我的。 谢谢你给了我爸妈一个好印象,让他们能够那么放心的让我和你在一起。。
虽然这只是我们的开始,但 是一个很好的开始。
Today, we even talk on phone for one and a half hours..
I hope honey also will be happy as me when i tell honey bout this good news..
And Wish my honey wil recover soon.. 要快快好起来哦。。
Posted by cherrieslove at 9:40 AM 1 comments
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
honey sick le
My honey fall sick le..Since monday..
Today is siew siew birthday, but unfortunately, honey is stil sick. Yday ney din come to sch. And today, ney should stay at home rest, but honey still come to sch, and i know, ney come to sch is because of me. Honey is still having fever. And i can see that ney force urself to come.
Im touch..
Today after practical, then straight come to my house le. Eric, siew n waltson went for swimming, but pity my honey have to stay at home rest. Cause honey having high fever. After they come back from swimming, they were going out to celebrate siew's bday.
But i went to giant to buy ney med. I really run from puteri giant, to kinrara giant. then wings, goodwill restaurant n 7-11. Sincerely i never been running to so many places at once.
No one knows unless they were with me goin to those place.
I can see how suffer you are. It seems like nothing i can do. But i really hope that ney wil recover soon. so that honey wun be so suffer. But no matter how, i will stay beside ney, wun leave you anymore. I know how much ney need me, how much ney don't want me to leave you.
I promise, at this moment, whenever you open your eyes, i'll be sitting beside you.
Just touch honey, ney de fever stil did not drop. Im really worry bout it. Honey, you mus jia you..must faster that we could go and play badminton together..
Posted by cherrieslove at 12:25 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
im lost
Until that, Only i know, im actually not suit in this field. Only i know, how much i cant force it.
Posted by cherrieslove at 7:34 AM 0 comments
Saturday, September 6, 2008
A wonderful week
This week is a very wonderful n colourful week to me.
Thanks to my best friend,siew siew also. No her, we'll not have this at all.
Wednesday after practical, waltson, eric, xiang, mun yee, siew, ah woo, si ni, ah sean, ah hang n me went to have meal at "Bibi Walk" puchong. n we went to so call small genting. Have beer n "true or dare" games.
In this week, we really had alot activities, did alot of things. We not only went to bibi walk, small genting, but also ah xiang house.
Activities include volley ball, basketball, badminton, swimming, mill wheel ice house n the most important is, we really sit down n chat. No matter beside swimming pool, or in my house. These image are so strong in my mind. Seldom will have this kind of condition. N there's one nite, we went to eat "lok lok". That's my 1st time eat lok lok. even i see it often, but i never had it before. Is a very nice experience.
Im looking forward for this kind of time again. Im really happy to have u guys as friend.
I willing to give out anything just to maintain this relation, to have u guys.
Posted by cherrieslove at 6:19 AM 1 comments
Tuesday, August 12, 2008
I guess there's alot ppl had heard and know about Amway. But there's also people who don't know about it. The 1st time i heard of it, is cause of JJ.. i stil rmb that time, he had a promo tour at, and after that, he will go to Amway, because he is a special guest of Amway on that day (amway anniversary day).
I've been to Amway class for 2 times, it really bring alot of joy and happiness to me ! Especially the 2nd time i go. Even i don't know all of the member, but they are all very good and kind. Just like a big family. No matter how bad n unhappy you are, after to go their class, u'll b very relief and back to happy mood. REALLY !! You must trust me!
Of course, the class im saying, not like normal class like in school. It have different subject by different day. eg. They have for cancer, health, nutrition, beauty, public relation, gathering, outgoing day n MOR. One subject per day. One week once . The second week will be different subject/talk. It is very fun. You'll get to learn lots of thing in it. No regret at all! After being there once, im sure you be going there every week ( like me =p ).
This weekend, Amway will have a outgoing day at genting. There's around 200 people is going. of course im one of it. They had book a very big hall at genting, and we'll have our own activities there. Waiting for that day ^ ^
If you wanted to join and know how it is. Let me know, im very pleasure to bring you in. After join once/ twice. You'll know the feeling of mine. Is just you'll like it, or dislike. Is better try than not. You will not lose anything.
Posted by cherrieslove at 4:00 AM 2 comments
Monday, August 11, 2008
Do anyone know what is Dogathon??? i guess all of you know, just that you are not familiar with this words.. ^ ^ Nevermind, i'll tell you what it is.. Dogathon is a competition for those dogs.
And also a kind a social event for those dogs n their owner too.. All those dogs lover will bring their lovely dogs there.. Is a very good event..cause we get to meet n know all those people like us who like and love dogs so much..
This is a 1st time i been to Dogathon, even i've heard of it, but i never been to it. At 1st, of course i have to thanx my friend who told me this event. Thanx neal .. ^ ^ Let me have the chance to join.
Below are few pic that i took on that days.. Dogs are really very cute, and they are also human best friends ^ ^

I like this pic the most..good timing n angle..CUTE!!
This is only few of that days pic..if wana c more, i will upload in my friendster (
Before going home, i went to have a horse riding ^ ^, This horse really very fit .. ^ ^ 1st time come to Dogathon and 1st time go for horse riding. Both of my 1st time were on this day ^ ^
Hope my life will continue with wonderfull colour.
Posted by cherrieslove at 9:28 AM 5 comments
Seafood guy birthday (Eric)
09.08.08 (saturday) is Eric's birthday. That day Siew, Me n eric's brother went to YUAN to celebrate his Birthday. 1st time been to that place. But its food, really not bad..really very crowed!!
4 of us do enjoy, especially Eric, he is so happy eating his seafood.. From 5pm, 4 of us non stop eating until 8pm ! Do u know how fat am i now??!!
After that, we went to eric house to take basketball. And then we went to ss2 to play basketball. I miss basketball so much. All of them are good in it. Is really a happy day.
Once again.. HAPPY BIRTHDAY ERIC !! Getting older liao lah.. Wahahahahaha =p
Posted by cherrieslove at 9:18 AM 0 comments
Friday, August 8, 2008
Shopping !!! sales !!!
Since how long i never shopping till so crazy..
That day, i went shopping with my sis at sunway pyramid..
This is my first time i target this place as my shopping venue..
And i never regret !
This is really a better place than others shopping mall which i go since i was form 1 till now..
Maybe those shopping mall where kinda bored to me..
Sunway is a place which i go very very rarely..
i like it's so much bcz of the ASIAN AVENUE ..
is was heaven to those teenager like me..
and things there were not expensive (maybe is during sales =p)..
I spend around few hours in just only ASIAN AVENUE, and i use off rm300 on that day !!
is kinda big amount, i din did that often,
this is my 1st time saw so many shirt that i like n suit me..
With this rm300 i bought :
- 1 skirt
- 2 pants (one is VIOR brand)
- 3 shirts
- 1 shoe
- me n sis lunch at GASOLINE
to me, is really very worth!!
but this happen very rarely..
im really very happy on that day..
Posted by cherrieslove at 7:24 AM 4 comments
Thursday, July 17, 2008
skating day
Yeah !!! Finally management exam had over !! i had tried my best to do that paper, what result will it be, have to see how our lecturer give marks. But there's one question i leave it blank, i really don't know how to do it !! The question asked, what's the meaning of TEAM? Oh my god, i really forget bout it. After knowing , i will never forget the answer.
TEAM meant as Together Everyone Achieve More.
After exam , we went to Sunway Pyramid for skatting. How long i've never been skating. All of us really do enjoy there. Few of my friend keep felt down while in the skatting ring, should be very pity, but really very funny for how others act while one of them fall. But falling is a very normal condition that you will see in the skatting ring. It's not that easy to those newers even just to stand on the skatting floor. Because you need to stand on the ice by just 2 blade on ur foot. But is very fun while you know how to skate even you dont know how to stop (that's me) hahahaha.

Posted by cherrieslove at 12:41 AM 1 comments
Wednesday, July 9, 2008
redang trip !!
This is my 1st time been to redang island.It was so beautiful, nice and peaceful.Is heaven to everyone. You can see couple, friends , tourist , and of course Happy family.
The sea water was as clear as swimming pool. While snookeling, many types of fishes were swimming around you. They were actually waiting for food too. haha..
This is what we drink at the 2nd night in karaoke room. Whisky + coke. After that, someone dare me to drink a can of beer. And i really finish it up. Little blur that night, but of course i didnt lose anything that is very precious to me!! haha =D
Time past very fast. Is already the 3rd day. Say bye bye to redang and to KL, we're coming back !! This picture were taken in van where is takes us from the jeti to the bus stop. I'll be back to redang again. Hope to be there with all my fello friends.
Posted by cherrieslove at 4:41 AM 3 comments
Monday, June 30, 2008
days with my friends ...
There's a long period i never been this happy before..
im so proud and lucky to know all of you.You guys brings me happiness.
That day we went to eat steamboat at kepong,
all of us do enjoy. we had a wonderful day..
Look at siew siew..she is so happy.
The next day,waltson,siew,eric,xiang, 3 mor friends and me went to play badminton. Good exercise of the week.After that,we went to gasoline to have our lunch. I like their longan milk so much! After lunch, max plan to go for skattting at sunway, but end up fail. cause skatting ring are not open for public.
The most happiest day was sunday.
Maybe 1st time been to Bar B Q plaza to have meal, and then 4 of us (eric,xiang,siew n me), bought the same shirt. Never been like this before. This is my 1st time buying the same shirt with friends. Cant wait till the day four of us wearing the shirt together.
This shirt is kind of a charity.It writes "Warm their heart with your love" on the shirt. So, Lets do it !!
Posted by cherrieslove at 8:23 AM 3 comments
Sunday, June 8, 2008
Happy Day
Friday class cancel. No class needed to attend.
we have a discussion for our group presentation.
it's very fun to have you guys (waltson,siew siew n ah fei)
we really laught alot.
Time really past very fast..
Happy moment, in a blink of an eye, had come to the end..
But it's really a happy day.
Sunday we have our final discussion..
discussion goes very good..
neal was there too..(time keeper & audience)
Whole day non stop laughing.
With you guys..
really very Happy..
It's really fun!
looking forward for more chance..
And thanx for miss bina having this group presentation..
because of this..
it makes 4 of us closer.
Thank you very much..
Posted by cherrieslove at 10:26 AM 2 comments
Monday, May 19, 2008
Everythings will gone one day
God will give you things,bt Time will take it away from you..
No matter things,friends,family or lover. Nothing will be yours forever except knowledge.
I used to have a best friend,thing goes very good for few years,but when come to form 4,we've been placed to different class,after that she treat me so different who not use to be like her.She will just come and find me when she needed help and so on. And don't know how,we no longer are friend.
Same as my love story,we've been together one and a half year, bt at last, i've been dump by him. I feel so hopeless. I know i cant do anything, reality are always that cruel. Even our family,out parents, i know that they will leave us one day too. At last, we still need to help ourself.
Don't ever expect that someone will help you in whatever you do, when there's someone to help you, it's you luck; but if there's no one, don't sad or blame, that's real life, you have to rely urself.
Cherish what you had now,don't make yourself regret.
Posted by cherrieslove at 3:40 AM 1 comments
Sunday, May 11, 2008
sumtimes, songs really can describe peoples feelings..
wo gei ni..zhui hou de teng ai shi shou fang kai..
hen ai hen ai ni..suo yi yuan yi..she de rang geng duo xing fu de di fang fei qu..
jian jian dan dan de ai guo,wo Hai shi wo..jian jian dan dan de shang guo..jiu bu suan bai huo..
zhe gan jue yi jing bu dui..wo nu li zai wan hui..
wo shou le zhong shang..yi bu zai dui ai ke wang..wo jin de shou shi zhong yao fang..
mei yi ci han ni zai wo xin..mei yi ci han ni "honey"..mei yi ci han ni wo de xin dou tong..
xiang jian ni..mei you ni..ri zi zai xuan ye mei yi yi..
When you're gone..The pieces of my heart are missing you..
you in my heart jz like a tattoo..
Posted by cherrieslove at 7:47 AM 0 comments