Tuesday, December 23, 2008

To : Santa

Dear santa,

Im lina, a 18 year old girl from a small family. Im here to make a wish for my christmas .

Well, I've been kinda bad and naughty this year. There's few times i displease my mum beacause of not helping her in her housework . And I didnt done really well to be a good student , a daughter, a sister and a Girlfriend.

As what i know from my boyfriend, Im not being a good girl, and i still did not change any better after telling me my defect. There's alot of time i disappoint him and broke his fragile heart again and again. By i've done, made him felt so hopeless on me,and because of this, our relation are goin down the hill. Santa, what can i do?? If i have a magic cloth, i will wipe off all the bad stuff that happend.I'll work hard to overcome my shortcoming,especially on being a girlfriend. Im sure i'll do infinitely better than before.

Please bring all this stuff from me and the people in my life:
For my mum and dad, please bring them health and business.
For my sister, please bring her knowledge.
For my doggy, please bring them accompany.

For my Lover, please bring him peace and hapiness and take away his fret.
For his brothers , please bring them safety.
For his dear mother, please bring her tranquilizer and health

For me, i just want me and my boyfriend relation could reform. As if could goes back to how it was when we both just started, im already very gratify. I didn't hope it to become any better, but to how it was in the begining.
That's the only thing i anxious for.
Are you curious why im not making any wish for my studies,because i know i have to work on in by myself for getting good and better result.i will strive for it.

When you're preparing gift, remember not to ablivious the wishes i've wrote in this letter..
Merry Christmas Santa ... ^ ^