Monday, May 11, 2009


Today is the 1st time my dad tells me his feelings. Im really surprise. Lately, my mom's temper had changed alot. She treats me and my sister much more hormonius than last time. But the way she treats my dad, had been different. Dad told me few things bout what she done. Maybe they both have different thought. But my mom didn't say it in a good way. I heard it too. Just now, while my mom's were not in the car, dad tells me that he's very upsad. He said : "现在你妈咪讲话,听了很kek sam"。 I know.... i can feel it from his voice. Sometimes when i heard his problem of his business, i know he is suffer and heartache with all his arduous problems. But the feeling will not be as suffer as the words that came by the wife . I really give highly respect to my dad as he did not scold ,talk back in defiance or angry of her . Even her words brought him to pain.

That's why i had always love my dad. He's a man who can really sacrifice for the person he love. I love him forever. He'll always be the best man in my heart.
I love my mom too. I know she didn't did it in purpose. Sometimes, my mom will tells me some problems of my dad too. Sincerely, im glad that they will tell me bout it. Just that, i really don't wish to see them in this condition. Life is to live with happiness.

Sunday, May 10, 2009


“大喜事”是一部新加坡电影。 在年头就上映了。那时我很想看这部电影,但都没机会。我等了好久,终于让我买到了他的CD。你们都看过了吗?这戏里,有一幕是在马六甲取景。它让我勾起好多回忆,想起好多事。



Saturday, May 9, 2009


因为不懂得放下,我们一味沉溺于过去的快乐和痛苦 :
懂得放下 才能 活在当下


Friday, May 8, 2009


Yesterday 8.30pm, i went to attend a class which nearby my house. Once i park my car, there's a lady come and knock on my car window. So i get down from my car and asked her what happened. She tells me that she's from china, with her daughter along and they have not enough money for dinner. She hopes that i could give her some money as she and her daughter could buy a meal. She kept begging and i was in hurry, so i gave her rm10 as that will be enough for both of them to buy a meal.

But she was not satisfy. After she took over the money, she said she hope i can give them more as they can have a place to stay. She wants rm50 !!
Oh my God, i know i've been cheated. Stupid lina ! I know i looks like a donkey at that time!

She try to convince me but of course im not an idiot. I said im just a student and all i can help is only this. But that lady still not giving up, she try to say how pity she are with her face expression as really looks like she's in trouble. Come on, i've already know you are a deceiver, do you think i will still give you money? I didn't ask back the rm10 from you already consider very kind.
Okay, until here, im already late for my class, so i just walk away.

All this while, whenever i donate money, i never been so comfirm and sure i've been cheated, because they might from a true organization. Since i willing to take my money out for donation, then just let things end there. No point of thinking are they a swindler?
But this time ....